Technical Grade Sorbic Acid Powder

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  • 1 KG
  • 25 KG

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Product SKU: rSa2163bBl

Product Specification

Grade StandardFOOD GRADE
Physical StatePowder
Minimum Order Quantity25 Kilogram

Sorbic acid is used as a preservative in a wide variety of foods. Sorbic acid retards the growth of yeast and moulds and is usually added to foods as a salt. 

Sorbic acid is a natural preservative first isolated in 1859 from the berries of an ash tree. Sorbic acid is unsaturated fatty acid containing two carbon-carbon double bonds and both are in the trans configuration (Fig. 7.1C). Investigation of its antimicrobial activity found it to be an effective inhibitor of molds, yeasts, and fungi. Sodium and potassium salts of sorbic acid (i.e., sodium sorbate and potassium sorbate) are not as effective. The free acid form is more effective as an antimicrobial. Antimicrobial activity of sorbic acid increases as the pH of the media decreases. Enhanced activity at low pH results from the acid being fully protonated (unionized) and thus readily taken up by the microorganism. Combination of sorbic acid and lactic acid have also been shown to inhibit the growth of the pathogen Salmonella. Sorbic acid is widely used to inhibit yeast and molds in processed cheese, wine, fruit juices, and some baked goods (pastries). It is also used in processed meats as an alternative to preservation using nitrites.

Product Description

Sorbic acid, or 2,4-hexadienoic acid, is a natural organic compound used as a food preservative. It has the chemical formula CHO. It is a colourless solid that is slightly soluble in water and sublimes readily.
2,4-hexadienoic acid, antimicrobial agents, calcium sorbate, food additives, fungistatic agents, potassium sorbate, preservatives, rowan, sodium sorbate.
Sorbic acid is a natural, organic preservative frequently used to maintain the freshness of a variety of human foods, drugs, and cosmetic products. Potassium sorbate and sorbic acid possess antifungal, and to a lesser extent antibacterial, properties.
Sorbic acid reacts with other chemical compounds to make what are known as derivatives. Such derivatives include calcium sorbate, potassium sorbate, and sodium sorbate.

Sorbic acid may be used in wines to prevent secondary fermentation of sugar and recontamination by yeast. The most common methods
of application for dairy products includes dipping or spraying with potassium sorbate solutions for natural cheeses, and direct addition to processed cheeses. Sorbates are commonly used to extend the life of fish and shellfish. They inhibit the development of yeast and mold in the fish product. Sorbates are applied as a fungistat for prunes, pickles, relishes, maraschino cherries, olives, and figs and are used to extend the shelf life of prepared salads. Sorbates also preserve meat and poultry. For example, country-cured hams sprayed with sorbate solution result in no mold growth for 30 days.

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