Multi Enzyme vet

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Product SKU: Vqh6205k2z

Product Description

Multienzymes is like amylase, cellulase, protease, phytase, pectinase, xylanase, lipase,mannanase, galactosidase and beta glucanase suitable for a array of feed stocks. Cereals such as wheat etc. Contain long, complex carbohydrate also known as non-starch polysaccharides (nsps), for which animals like pigs and poultry do not produce the necessary digestive enzymes to hydrolyse. Nsps in cereals like wheat, are called arabinoxylans, and those in barley are beta-glucans, such are recognized as anti-nutritional in behaviour.

They increase the viscosity of food and puts a pressure on the animal’s own enzymes (digestive system). It has negative impact on the nutritional absorption values in the absence of suitable enzymes. Addition of aforesaid enzymes also known as nsp enzymes to animal diets allows the breakdown of these anti-nutritional factors and thus faster and more complete digestion of the feed, leading to improved nutritive value.

The poultry feed is a complex mixture of cellulose, plant fibre, grains, fatty matter, oil seeds and oilcakes. Poultry does not produce suitable enzymes required for the digestion of all these macromolecules:

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