Ferric oxide

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Product SKU: Gcl3235fMm

Ferric oxide for lab grade

 এগুলি লোহা আকরিক, রঙ্গক, অনুঘটক এবং থার্মাইট হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং হিমোগ্লোবিনে ঘটে। আয়রন অক্সাইডগুলি পেইন্টস, লেপ এবং রঙিন কংক্রিটগুলিতে সস্তা এবং টেকসই রঙ্গক। রঙগুলি সাধারণভাবে উপলভ্য হলুদ / কমলা / লাল / বাদামী / কালো পরিসীমাটির "মাটির" প্রান্তে।

Iron(III) oxide or ferric oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula Fe2O3. It is one of the three main oxides of iron, the other two being iron(II) oxide (FeO), which is rare; and iron(II,III) oxide (Fe3O4), which also occurs naturally as the mineral magnetite. As the mineral known as hematite, Fe2O3 is the main source of iron for the steel industry. Fe2O3 is readily attacked by acids. Iron(III) oxide is often called rust, and to some extent this label is useful, because rust shares several properties and has a similar composition; however, in chemistry, rust is considered an ill-defined material, described as Hydrous ferric oxide.

Iron(III) oxide is also used as a pigment, under names "Pigment Brown 6", "Pigment Brown 7", and "Pigment Red 101".[21] Some of them, e.g. Pigment Red 101 and Pigment Brown 6, are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in cosmetics. Iron oxides are used as pigments in dental composites alongside titanium oxides.[22]

Hematite is the characteristic component of the Swedish paint color Falu red.

A very fine powder of ferric oxide is known as "jeweler's rouge", "red rouge", or simply rouge. It is used to put the final polish on metallic jewelry and lenses, and historically as a cosmetic. Rouge cuts more slowly than some modern polishes, such as cerium(IV) oxide, but is still used in optics fabrication and by jewelers for the superior finish it can produce. When polishing gold, the rouge slightly stains the gold, which contributes to the appearance of the finished piece. Rouge is sold as a powder, paste, laced on polishing cloths, or solid bar (with a wax or grease binder). Other polishing compounds are also often called "rouge", even when they do not contain iron oxide. Jewelers remove the residual rouge on jewelry by use of ultrasonic cleaning. Products sold as "stropping compound" are often applied to a leather strop to assist in getting a razor edge on knives, straight razors, or any other edged tool.
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Ferric oxide, commonly known as rust, finds versatile applications in laboratory essential products. Its magnetic properties make it valuable in magnetic storage media, while its red color adds aesthetic appeal to various formulations such as pigments and ceramics. In biomedical research, it's utilized in contrast agents for MRI scans. Additionally, its abrasive nature makes it useful in polishing agents. Its stability and non-toxicity further enhance its suitability for diverse lab necessities.

Its deep red hue makes it valuable for staining and identifying biological specimens under microscopes. In chemical synthesis, it serves as a catalyst or reactant, particularly in oxidation-reduction reactions. Its magnetic properties find utility in magnetic storage media and as a contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In environmental testing, it aids in wastewater treatment and pollutant remediation. Moreover, its stability and non-toxic nature make it suitable for diverse applications, from pigment production to pharmaceutical formulations, ensuring its prominence in laboratory settings.

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