Osaka Digital Personal Scale White Glass Scale 180Kg

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Product SKU: ZKR52527qEl

Osaka 180Kg Digital Weight Machine, Personal Scale, Bathroom Scale

  • Osaka Digital Weight/ bathroom scale measures your weight in kilograms and pounds.
  • Keep it in your bathroom and keep your weight in check.
  • With a large display, you can easily read the weight measurement on your own without asking anyone to check for you.
  • Capacity: 180Kg
  • Graduation: 100g
  • High-quality product
  • Calculate accurate weight
  • Low power consumption
  • Easy to keep clean

প্রতিদিন নিজের পরিবারের ওজন কমাতে চেষ্টার পাশা-পাশি আপনার প্রতি দিন ওজনের হিসাব রাখতে Osaka Digital Weight Machine এই পন‌্যটি অনেক প্রয়োজনীয় পন্য হিসেবে এটি সংরক্ষনে রাখতে পারেন।

কেন কিনবেন আমাদের Osaka Digital Weight Machine পন্যটি

১। এটি দিয়ে আপনি আপনার ১৮০ কেজি পর্যন্ত মাপতে পারেবন

২। এটি ওজনে কম তাই বহন করা অনেক সহজ

৩। এটি একটি ইলোক্টোনিক্স মেশিন তাই ব্যাটারি দিয়ে চালনা করা যায়।

৪। একবার ব্যাটারি রির্চাজে প্রায় ১ শতবার ওজন মাপা যায়।

A scale or balance is a device to measure weight or mass. These are also known as mass scales, weight scales, mass balances, and weight balances.

The traditional scale consists of two plates or bowls suspended at equal distances from a fulcrum. One plate holds an object of unknown mass (or weight), while known masses are added to the other plate until static equilibrium is achieved and the plates level off, which happens when the masses on the two plates are equal. The perfect scale rests at neutral. A spring scale will make use of a spring of known stiffness to determine mass (or weight). Suspending a certain mass will extend the spring by a certain amount depending on the spring's stiffness (or spring constant). The heavier the object, the more the spring stretches, as described in Hooke's law. Other types of scales making use of different physical principles also exist.

Some scales can be calibrated to read in units of force (weight) such as newtons instead of units of mass such as kilograms. Scales and balances are widely used in commerce, as many products are sold and packaged by mass.

The balance scale is such a simple device that its usage likely far predates the evidence. What has allowed archaeologists to link artifacts to weighing scales are the stones for determining absolute mass. The balance scale itself was probably used to determine relative mass long before absolute mass.[1]

The oldest evidence for the existence of weighing scales dates to c. 2400–1800 BC in the Indus River valley. Uniform, polished stone cubes discovered in early settlements were probably used as mass-setting stones in balance scales. Although the cubes bear no markings, their masses are multiples of a common denominator. The cubes are made of many different kinds of stones with varying densities. Clearly their mass, not their size or other characteristics, was a factor in sculpting these cubes.

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