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Product SKU: ska2352852Jm

Lactose. ল্যাকটোজ ব্যাপকভাবে ফিল্টার এবং ক্যাপসুলগুলিতে ফিলার বা হ্রাসকারী হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং ল্যাওফিলাইজড পণ্যগুলিতে, সীমিত খাদ্য ফর্মুলায় এবং শুকনো-গুঁড়া ইনহেলেশনগুলিতে মিশ্রিত হওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে আরও সীমিত পরিমাণে ব্যবহৃত হয়। ল্যাকটোজ ওষুধের ট্যাবলেট এবং ক্যাপসুল তৈরিতে ফিলার বা ফিলার-বাইন্ডার হিসাবে ব্যাপকভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়.

Product Specification

Physical State/Formpowder
Shelf LifeUpto 2 years
Packaging TypePlastic Bags

Product Description

Lactitol is a sugar alcohol used as a replacement bulk sweetener for low calorie foods with approximately 40% of the sweetness of sugar. It is also used medically as a laxative.
Benefits of Lactitol
  • Sweet and clean taste: Lactitol has a clean sweet, sugar-like taste with no aftertaste. ...
  • High quality low-calorie foods: Lactitol''s many attributes as a bulk sweetener with mild sweetness make it a versatile ingredient for high quality low-calorie, low-fat and sugar-free foods.
Lactitol is used in a variety of low food energy or low fat foods. High stability makes it popular for baking. It is used in sugar-free candies, cookies (biscuits), chocolate, and ice cream, with a sweetness of 30–40% that of sucrose.[1] Lactitol also promotes colon health as a prebiotic. Because of poor absorption, lactitol only has 2–2.5 kilocalories (8.4–10.5 kilojoules) per gram,[1] compared to 4 kilocalories (17 kJ) per gram for typical saccharides. Hence, lactitol is about 60% as caloric as typical saccharides.

Lactitol is listed as an excipient in some prescription drugs.

Lactitol is a laxative and is used to prevent or treat constipation,[4] e.g., under the trade name Importal.

In February 2020, Lactitol was approved for use in the United States as an osmotic laxative for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) in adults.

Lactitol in combination with Ispaghula husk is an approved combination for idiopathic constipation as a laxative and is used to prevent or treat constipation

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